For us at Cake, there are few things cooler than being able to show female pleasure on screen, before the 7 o’clock news, on mainstream tv in Europe. Grateful and proud to be part of the shifting consciousness around female sexuality and pleasure.
Sexual discomfort and in particular, vaginal dryness; is still a taboo subject and many women are misinformed around the issue, with the majority of people believing that it only effects menopausal women.
In this campaign the aim was to shift from where the brand used to be positioned; showing menopausal aged woman only, in to a space which is more inclusive of the vast numbers of women who experience this sometimes devastating issue, creating a visual shift in perception and driving people to their website where they would be able to find out more information around vaginal dryness.
Sex & Pleasure are Important to Us
Directing this kind of performance requires delicacy, planning and a lot of skill. Nadezna’s team-building strategy on this project revolved around comfort and light-hearted professionalism and so she worked closely with an intimacy coach and met with the artistes far more frequently than is usual in order to build the trust and ease required between the key contributors. The crew were hand-picked for not only their expertise but also their incredible personalities because she wanted to create an atmospheric bubble which we feel translates perfectly on screen.
Sensilube is a medical lubricant with the mindset of a pleasure orientated product. Their product and overall campaign champions both physical and mental wellbeing as they are mindfully aware of the negative effects on both caused by vaginal dryness. They pride themselves on their ability to instill confidence in female pleasure and allow women to embrace pain free (penetrative) sex, we hope we’ve helped them achieve that and that the world is a happier place now because of us.